Chapter 9 - 12pm San Francisco

12pm. San Francisco. Street level near downtown.

Let's see, who will work best. I am thinking the older the better. Hopefully with a Muslim hoodie. That would be perfect! Oh...there she is. Ask and ye shall receive.

I started walking toward her, sliding the device into my wrist sleeve. A crowd had begun forming around the stage. It was set up in one of SF's biggest park areas. Lots of kids running here and there. Not enough parents to watch the kids. This should not be too tough. All these bitches were covered with a goddamn carpet. And who in SF does not have a huge purse to match their huge head gear.

I got up close, feigned tripping, fell into her, and the device was placed. She turned and looked at me for about one point five seconds and then scurried away, kids in hand. No problemo. A quick platitude from my lying lips and she kept walking toward the event.

Gavin was giving a speech on women's rights to be gay. Awesome. Go gays! It will be funny that a bomb from a chick's handbag would close out his political dreams. Who knew, right? Gotta get on with your life somehow, and mine was packing big bucks with a few skills learned from the fam. That makes me think. I need to give dad a call.

I jumped back into the Uber. He was waiting for me at a Starbucks. You know in movies and TV they always say that assassins like to witness the crimes, but the truth is we never care! That is just a cliche'. We could not care less. If most of us could make money watching TV, that is what we would do.

Okay, popping open my iPad. Let's see how the speech goes. It was not televised but the company always has a few hacked cameras in any downtown spot. Just a few data points later and I have Gavin's smiling mug on the screen. And off he goes!

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