Chapter 3 - 10am Sacramento

10am. Sacramento. Adventures In Comics And Games

I pull open the door. The place was a massive dump, but it was the only place in town where you could get an EDH game going at almost any waking hour. I waved at the toothless guy behind the counter.

"Hey Josh. What is up in your world today?" Anton is a nice guy and very smart. He loves gaming, but is so sharp he used to teach java for Oracle employees. We play when we can, but usually my job and his job get in the way. I do not think Anton could do what I do. He definitely could not enjoy it as much.

"Whatcha need today, buddy?"

"Just a water for now." I set my case down and surveyed the room. As usual, a group of fatties and nerds, but they play Magic, and that was my goal at the moment. A few games of Magic before the day got rolling. I spot Lauren, a guy who was always well put together. A Steelers fan, and everyone always knew it from his garb. "What's up bud?"

"Ah, you know Josh. Just the usual. What's up in your land?" He unzips his backpack and grabs a deckbox.

"Nothing big. Little trip later today, but I got an hour for a game."


"Sure, I guess. You know I like sixty card better though."

"Josh, no one else in the store has power ya know."

"Hey man, can I help it if everyone but me is a loser?" I started shuffling my deck, setting my general, Thassa, on my deckbox.

"Where do you get all this money anyway? I swear, you are the most secretive guy here!" He laughs.

"Can I help it if everyone here works at Taco Bell?" I grabbed a couple six-sided dice and rolled them. An 8. "Well, better than average, right?"

"C'mon Josh, you are just from a rich family."

"How did I get that fucking label? A few beta moxes and suddenly I am some multi-millionaire?" Lauren is a nice guy, but even nice guys can go too far.

"Whatever, let's play."

And the game was on.

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