Chapter 2 - Mom's House

"Hey mom!" My mom is the coolest. There is nothing this lady cannot handle.

"Hey sweetie! How is your day?" she chirps, looking up from the knitting she is working on.

"Pretty good. Hey, there is a mess down the street. Would you please have someone deal with that?"

"Josh, damn, what is it about white Mercedeses? Ya gotta kill every rich pencil-neck that drives by?" She set down her knitting and grabbed an iPad. A few clicks later and a clean-up team is dispatched.

"Armando does not care. You know he wants me to practice with the .22. Tell him it was on the job training. So what?" I start walking toward the back door.

"Your dad would not be pleased." Mom was back to her knitting.

"And how long has dad been gone?" My tone was not joyous.

"Oh, I don't know Josh. You know those embedded jobs. I think he has been away for a couple months now."

"Why? How much money does he need?" My tone was getting a little harsh, but she knew what I meant. Dad worked a lot, but it seemed he never really got where he wanted to go. Government assassins were cheaper than freelance, but the glory factor was low and the work was long and hard. He had been scoping the governor of LA for awhile. Maybe he was almost done, maybe not. We would probably never know.

"C'mon Josh. You know it is not the money."

"Whatever. I have a game to get to." With that I walked out the back door and headed for the garage.

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