Chapter 18 - 3pm Washington

3pm. Finely appointed office deep in DC.

"I know dear. Yes, I know dear. Yes, understood." A very frazzled Bill Clinton looks toward a desk.

"He was the last obstacle to the White House. With him gone, life should get a lot easier." Hillary said, as her desk chair turned around to face Bill.

"Well, my job is done, so I am off to get a little relaxation."

"No whores today, Bill. I have more work for you." Hillary starts typing away on a laptop computer.

"Oh come on, Honey. I have done much good work for you."

"My god Bill, you are even starting to sound like him." Hillary shook her head.

"Who? Kim Jong?"

"Yes, Kim Jong, you panty-waste." And Hillary turns back to face Bill.

"Well, he is quite the endearing fellow you know. One day we were strolling through a park in Pyonggang..." Bill looked off in the distance as he reminisced.

"Bill...snap out of it, there are no parks in Pyonggang. In fact Bill, there is no grass in Pyonggang, or air to breathe, or food to eat. Now come on, let's get back to business. Have we killed the assassins that we sent to kill the assassins?"

"I think so. Somebody died, I know that." Bill starts dialing on his phone.

"Good. Cross-check everything with Kim Jong so we can properly start the next phase of the plan." Hillary shows a wry smile.

"You got it dear. Anything else? Cucumber sandwich? Perrier?"

"You are such a pussy. Get the fuck out of here." Hillary waves at the door and Bill scuttles off.

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