Chapter 17 - 3pm Sacramento

3pm. Ditch in Sacramento.

"Holy motherfuck...what was that." Josh was surprised, and just a little short of royally pissed.

"That is what they call a satellite guided, drone delivered, anti-tank missile kid." Mom was not enjoying the day.

"So who would bother doing all that for us?" Shay posed.

"Isn't it always the usual actors guys? Some asshole behind a desk who wants his pile of money to keep growing?" Dad suggested, knocking some dirt off his suit the way secret agents always do after almost dying via missile attack.

"So what do we do now?" Josh asked, making sure all of his hidden guns were still in functional order and ready to use.

"I want to kill somebody." Shay said, looking like quite the pissed assassin-turned-hacker.

"I thought you were deep in hack world, asshole." Josh replied, starting to walk down the street.

"Like this is any better? I do not enjoy missile attacks. Dad might, but not me." Shay said, as Dad smiled.

"Guys, lets stuff the bitching and get moving, obviously we are not safe, as many knives as I might have shoved in strange places." Mom said, and the family started hustling down the street.

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