Chapter 16 - 2pm North Korea

I spit blood as I wake up. The hell was going on?

"John, glad you are awake. It has been an interesting day for your family."

"The fuck do you know about my family." John can barely lift his head.

"Well, frankly, they are dead. No more sons. No more wifey. All dead." A villianous laugh from the smoke-filled side of the room. Two guards were in the room carrying massive assault rifles.

"You are dead you know." John was still so tough. No family. Still tough.

"Now John, come on man. You are locked up. You have been tortured for several hours. You have been flown from New Orleans to North Korea faster than any man ever. What makes you think you can get out of my prisons?"

" are such a dumb mother fucker." With that John pulls his arms from behind his back and lunged at the North Korean leader.

"Get him!!!" Kim said, but the guards seemed immobile. John walked up to the leader and snapped his neck.

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