Chapter 14 - 1pm On the road

"The hell was that?" Josh was pissed, and understandably so. Almost getting killed unnerves 16 year-old's. Even if they are trained assassins.

"There was a contract dropped on you two. Courtesy of someone Dad pissed off probably. What's up with that, John? Can't you keep your spooks out of the family's world?"

"Well, you obviously had no trouble dealing with them. What, Shay pick that up somehow? I knew training that kid to hack was a good idea." John smiles. Ah, the glow of a proud dad.

"Listen folks, we have gotten into quite a mess. The govt guy Josh wasted earlier today was into deep shit, and I mean the deepest." Mom was worried, and that was a new mode for her. This should be interesting.

"What? I have killed govt guys before. Usually no flack. And usually no one knows. All the info comes through Jeff and we have been working with him for years. Since I was 12, at least." John smiles. Ah, the proud father.

"Well, listen, Josh, Newsom was already lined up to cheat the next gubernatorial race. He had more rigging set up than a fishing fleet. Take a moment and ask yourself what you think would happen if an actual competent governor got to the top of CA state government?"

"Good things?"

"Well, yeah, but not for assassins. It would be like the Wild West. Our communication lines would be cut, law enforcement would be competent, there would be transparent taxation reporting. Terrible stuff really."

"Wait a second." John interjected. "California has been corrupt for a long time. One governor could not undue decades of corruption. And Newsom is not capable enough to do any of that anyway."

"He is with help." Mom's face was stern. "The right kind of help."

"No way, not him." John replied. "No way in a million years would he bother with something like this." He looked away, shaking his head.

At that instant a missile hit the road right in front of the Boudreaux's car. The car went flying off the road into a ditch.

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