Chapter 13 - 1pm Sacramento

1pm. The buildings across from Adventures in Comics and Games.

"Get this right asshole or I will cut your hands off and do it for you." Tough business. If you cannot cut it stop wasting your time and bus tables or something. I was here for a job, and no other reason. I may be gay but I was not stupid. And the Boudreauxs are rarely together, hence we needed to get this done now or never.

"No problem. I have them lined up. Which one do you want first?"

"Like I care. Blow up the whole damn shop if you have to. Dead is dead. Email me the video later. I am off to deal with the mom. Word is she is quite a piece of work herself."

The rifleman lined up his shot. He started to squeeze the trigger but as the bullet was about to be fired a blade sliced through the air and cut his hand off.

"Motherfucker! Arrrghghgh!!!! What the fuck?" The assassin dropped his gun and went running down the street. The handler looked back from his car just in time to see a foot smash his face in. Who would have guessed. Apparently mom got to them before they got to her.

Things just got interesting.

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