Chapter 12 - 1pm Sacramento

1pm. Adventures in Comics and Games.

"Geez, you smell like gunpowder and jizz. What the fuck did you do this morning?" Lauren was always asking questions.

"Little trip. Nothing serious. Let's get back to the game."

The shop was pretty busy today. Seemed like the Magic world worked on a second half of the day clock. I guess that made the most sense since most of this guys were disability hogs who worked off of welfare. Sad state of affairs really. Maybe one day I will teach them how to actually work for a living. If you can call what I do work. Just fun in my world. Lots and lots of fun.

Lauren had exploded right off the bat with three creatures on the first turn. A second turn Balance and I was back in the game. Two pro-black white knights later, followed by an Armageddon, and the game was over. Funny how old tech can still wipe out new ideas. As if any of these guys ever thought for themselves. Seems like all of the decks come from online brain-trusts now. Not the way it used to be, or so Shay tells me.

It was the end of a long MTG decompression session. Nothing better to cap off a kill than a little card game. I stood up from my chair and turned toward the door. What I saw was not only surprising, but painful. I had not seen these guys in years. They were players from San Jose, walking into MY HOMESTORE here in Sacto. These guys were the ultimate in ego but usually they could back it up. What got me in the gut was that their DCI rating was higher than mine. Three guys, all as good as any pro, but what I did not know was going to make all of it even more shocking.

The leader of the pack, Gerald, a true asshole by any scope of the imagination, walked up to me while his crew veered toward the singles counter. Only the best cards made the counter, with many of them reaching into the high three figures. May not seem like much but to magic losers it was a real big pricetag.

"What's up big man? Flashing any moxen today?" Gerald asked, a sly smile crossing his lips.

"Not really, just on my way home." As I started to walk by Gerald, a view from outside surprised me. Not so much because of what it was, but because it was here, in a magic shop, and not in some far corner of the planet.

"Oh, that is too bad Josh, I was hoping to get it on. No time for a quick match?" Gerald flashed a twenty dollar bill in my face. People did still play for ante, but not frequently, and these guys were never rich. But no one knew I would sooner set fire to a jackson rather than bother fighting over it.

"Maybe later man. I have to get going."

"Whatever dude. Leave it to the big ballin Josh Boudreaux to run from a match with twenty dollars on the line." He laughed, but I could not care less. The front door of the shop opened, and who walked in was quite a surprised.

"Been awhile son. What's shaking in your world?"


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