Chapter 11 - 1pm Sacramento

1pm. Sacramento. Older brother's house.

"You could have been a little more precise, Josh." My brother always bitches at the worst times.

"Hey, pipe down in the peanut gallery! Did you score 100k this morning?" He shook his head. My brother Shay, so smart, so beautiful, but just a massive buzzkill sometimes.

"Listen...I am getting away from the killing. No reason to anymore. I can slice up banana republic government systems and make the same, without all the blood. How many other folks were in your bombing this morning?" Shay walks over to his Lazy Boy and flips on the TV.

"Can I help it if it is fun? Dad likes it too ya know." I pulled out a pack of gum and slid one in. "Gavin did bite it, right? I would not want to piss off the client."

"Yeah, Newsom is not so new anymore. Neither is that cloud of Muslim parts. Must have been fun swirling up the hate storm on that one. Do you ALWAYS have to throw the blame on the West? That strategy might be a little overdone by now. All the guys in the East do it too, almost daily. Get creative at some point. Take a lesson from Mom." Shay was already into the boob heavy movie of the afternoon.

"Mom uses too many knives. I am not motivated enough to put that much work into it."

"Hey, a lot of loving care went into that work. She and Dad really are birds of a feather. Mom with the knives, Dad with the bow and arrow." He laughed. So did I. We really did think it was funny. Watching them work together felt like a comic book.

"So why Gavin? Who did he piss off? No one cares about the governor's race. In fact, word on the street is that he is...was...not completely set on doing that race. Whoever wanted your guy dead really, really wanted him dead. Hell...I could have scandalized his history with just a few keystrokes. You know what I can do with Photoshop." Channel changed, but the boobs did not.

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