Chapter 10 - 12pm Airborne

12pm. Airborne somewhere over Northern California.

"What's the kid's name?" The plane was tech heavy but plush heavy too. There were enough seats for an entourage, but not a military detail. The man speaking was old and grey, but still looked like he could bust some heads. This was Maurice Devereaux, high end power broker and keeper of dark secrets. His face was not on a database. His face was on ALL the databases. He had a million warrants out on him, but somehow he managed to disappear at the right times.

"Josh Boudreaux."

" Boudreaux...the fuck did he get a name like that?"

"Probably the same place you did old man." He looked out the window.

This trip was a little different than most operations Maurice was involved with. He enjoyed his fine wine and hookers more than work. But what criminal didn't? Unfortunately Maurice was working for a very high level client today, so he managed to scramble a jet and make sure things were done right.

"So where is he?" Cigarette was lit. A topless waitress dropped off a martini on a finely varnished table.

"Aren't all 16 year old assassins in Sacramento?" A hint of a smile crossed his mouth. The waitress motioned to him. "Just a little OJ sweetie. No extra milk please."

"Wow, the center of CA govt. Must be lots of work. I hear more battles are waged there than online." Maurice tapped a screen in front of him. "No address though. Wonder how they managed that."

"The kid plays a lot of Magic The Gathering. We have tapped the NorCal Magic page and come up with an alias that is probably him. Should not take too long to get the intel we need to get him."

"Okay, well, enjoy...we're close enough. Have a fun ride."

The seat he was sitting on fell through the floor. A few seconds later it was a drone. It would make the trip to Sacramento in the next twenty minutes.

The floor closed back up. Maurice motioned to his stewardess.

" it quick. I have work ya know." As the stewardess/whore started working, Maurice made a phone call.

"Yeah, we need help on this. more to this kid than most. He's John Boudreaux's son." Blam...Maurice shot his wad. The stewardess wiped her mouth and kissed his cock, then zipped him up. "No shit, I know people are busy. But look, the kid could be trouble, and we don't even have his location yet. The fag in the suit thinks he can track him, but I doubt it will be that easy." The plane began its descent into the Bay Area.

"Hey, sugartits...the purple suit. Gotta make an impression on Gavin. He could be governor soon."

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