Chapter 1 - Sacramento California USA

Black deck, check. Blue deck, check. Got to have one of those. Red deck, check. A white deck because sometimes it can work. Lots of weenies, but if you do it the right way it can really crush black stuff. Okay, check. All of it in my case. Cool. People hate my case, they say it looks like it has a nuclear detonator in it. Hahah!

Okay, gotta check the email real quick. Nothing new. Awesome, and I am off!

The walk between my brother's house and my parent's house is just about three hundred feet. Really convenient. I love living with my brother, but having mom and dad nearby is convenient. After all, who really wants to cook anyway.

I slide on a Marvel shirt. Wolverine works. I grab the phone and the wallet, and then hit the pavement.

It is such a nice day. Damn, gotta love this weather! On a good day Sacramento really feels like San Diego. Not nearly all the attractions and opportunity, but there are worse places to live. My family originally lived in New Orleans, but moved to Sacramento in 1987 when Mom decided she was tired of the city. Too bad, growing up there might have been fun, or so I hear from my old classmates.

As I get up to the intersection between our houses, a four way stop, I spot a white Mercedes driving from the left side, coming near the stop sign. He slows his vehicle for about five seconds, then just tears through the stop sign. Bastard! Why do people do this? I swear, it is always assholes in luxury cars!

Maybe I have seen this too many times. Maybe I am having a bad day. I guess when you have the power to fight dickheads like this you don't have a choice. Oh well. Here we go again!

I flip a switch on my case and drop it to the ground. A spring-action holster in the top corner edge of my case opens and launches my .22 into the air. I catch it in my left hand and size up the Mercedes as it continues down the road. This guy drives fast, but not fast enough....

Pop pop! His head explodes all over what must be white leather. Tough day for him!

Doesn't every Magic player stock a little protection? Ever since the Pro Tour in Moscow, I never leave the house without a piece.

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